Extreme XC Official 2025 Rules

General Series Rules

These rules apply to anyone entering the property where EXCR is promoting a race event.  These rules and regulations are solely applicable to Extreme Cross Country Racing Events.  Any questions should be forwarded to EXCR officials.  All decisions by EXCR are final.  EXCR reserves the right to alter, add or delete any rule at any time.

General rules apply to all racing events.  Specific rules are listed for each particular race discipline that work in conjunction with the general rules.

Entrance to event: 

There will be an entrance fee of $20 per person aged 13 and over, $10 per person aged 6-12, Age 5 and under free ($0). Aside from Rd 4, Insanity At The Sanatorium, which is a 3 day event prices will be as follows. Adult 13 and up $25 (Thurs-Sat), Sunday only $20. Kids  remain $10 throughout the entire weekend.  A wristband will be provided as proof of entry and must be worn at all times.  A waiver MUST be signed by ALL entering the gate.  Adults will sign for minors by printing the minor name, then signing the adult name.  ALWAYS be aware of your surroundings.  It is the sole responsibility of each person entering an event to monitor their own safety.  The race course has no barriers.  It is the sole responsibility of each person entering an event to be aware of their surroundings.  Any minor is the sole responsibility of the person who brought them to the event.

Pit Vehicles:

  •  Must hold valid driver’s license to operate machine over 90cc other than to and from the start and finish of your race. 
  • Pit riding is defined as riding automated transportation on the property of any EXCR event.
  • Pit riding is not promoted.
  • At no time is any person not entered in a race to be on the track on an automated vehicle. At select events, traveling from point A to B may be allowed.  You must be in first gear idle.
  • A handicap permit for a pit vehicle may be issued upon evaluation by EXCR officials. Permits must be prominently displayed on pit vehicles.
  • At no time will a spectator cross the track, enter the woods, or ride in any unsafe manner on a pit vehicle.
  • Reckless riding of any sort will not be tolerated.
  • Breaking any of these rules will result in immediate confiscation of the vehicle. Any confiscated vehicle will be returned at the end of the event.
  • If any pit vehicle is found inside woods or within 25 ft of race coarse unattended, machine will be towed by track officials to registration. Be aware of surroundings when parking your pit vehicle at busy spectator areas, to ensure you are not in the way of racers or track officials.


Spectators are not permitted to enter the woods or cross the track at anytime during any racing event while it is in progress. If caught crossing track during race causing danger to racers or other spectators, you will be escorted off the race property. 

Pit Crew:

Pit crew is defined as any spectator assisting a racer.  The racer is responsible for the actions of his/her pit crew at all times.  Any pit crew violation of rules will result in expulsion from the event, and penalties to the racer responsible for that pit crew member.


EXCR does NOT provide insurance of any kind for any person attending an EXCR event.  Insurance of any type is the sole responsibility of riders, racers, pit crew members, spectators and staff.  Everyone who enters an EXCR event is strongly urged to have medical and equipment insurance.  EXCR is not responsible for any financial loss to any person entering an EXCR event.


Camping is permitted at all EXCR events.  Please take proper precautions with fires and grills.  Do not throw metal or glass in fires.  It is the sole responsibility of each person to gather and remove their own trash.  A dumpster is provided at each event for disposal of trash.  It is the sole responsibility of each person to conduct themselves in a manner befitting a family friendly atmosphere.  Any person found to be acting in a manner that does not promote a family friendly, clean environment may be removed from the premises at the discretion of EXCR officials.  Please be mindful of the environment, and remember that this property is only on loan to EXCR.  Treat it as if it was yours.

Inclement Weather:

Events may be conducted regardless of weather conditions.  In the event of unfavorable conditions, it may be necessary to alter the order of the event schedule, including but not limited to adjusting the length of the race, delaying the race, or stopping the program completely.  Should a delay or cancellation occur, EXCR will make every effort to announce re-scheduling as soon as is practical.

Personal Safety Equipment:

  • Safety equipment is the sole responsibility of each individual entering an EXCR event
  • A helmet must be worn at all times when riding. No exceptions.
  • We strongly urge riders to wear long pants, long sleeve shirts, chest protector, neck brace, gloves, and boots that are over ankle height.


  • All machines must have silencers. EXCR officials may test machines any time prior to, during, or after the event.
  • Machine sound level cannot exceed 99 decibels.
  • Any machine is subject to inspection by EXCR officials at any time to be deemed safe for operation.
  • The rider must be able to control his machine at all times, and to ride safely. This includes stopping, starting, standing still, mounting, dismounting and putting one or both feet on the ground.  EXCR officials have the authority to disqualify a rider who cannot safely control his machine.
  • The machine a rider leaves the starting line on is the official machine the rider will be scored on for the duration of that event.
  • A rider may switch machines during a race only after being towed in by EXCR officials, however scoring will end at this point. Racer should notify scoring if they choose to go back out for unscored laps.
  • Track officials report tow outs for ended scoring of racer.
  • The machine may be switched before crossing the painted start line. Once the machine crosses that line it is the machine that will be scored for that race.
  • Riders may not carry gasoline anywhere except inside the machine fuel tank.
  • All machines must have a working kill switch (bikes) or tether cord (ATV) at the start of the race. A kill switch or tether cord may be inspected by an EXCR official at any time.
  • NO horns, bells or other sound devices are permitted on any machine competing in any race.  *exception: horns are permitted on Pro UTV machines

Approximate Race Length

**Race time is subject to change for conditions at the discretion of the Race Marshall.

  • PeeWee – 30 minutes +/- 
  • Intermediate – 45 +/- minutes +/-
  • Youth – 1 hour +/-
  • Adult – 1 hour 30 min +/-


  • Pre-registration will be available through the EXCR website. Payment for pre-registration must be via credit/debit card.  Pre-registration is not required to participate.  All participants who pre-register must go to the onsite registration trailer at each event with the racer helmet for transponder testing, to receive helmet stickers, and sign all waivers.
  • ALL HELMETS MUST BE BROUGHT TO REGISTRATION. Helmets should only have ONE transponder. Riders will be penalized for every lap more than one transponder scans while racing.  
  • You must register for each event you plan to participate in.
  • All payment for onsite registration must be made in cash
  • Onsite registration will close 30 minutes prior to the start time of the scheduled event.
  • Participants are required to sign all waivers in order to race. These waivers are available for printing on the EXCR website.
  • Participants under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian at onsite registration. Parents or legal guardians will sign waivers required for minor participants.  Any minor participant must be able to provide legal proof of age upon request by EXCR officials.
  • Participants will receive 2 number stickers designating their official race number. These must be placed on both sides of the helmet chin guards.
  • Participants will receive a row designation sticker, and this must be placed on the upper back of helmet.
  • A working transponder is required for any race event. Helmets must be brought to registration prior to the first race of the day to test transponder.
  • Transponders are available for purchase for $10.00 each at the registration trailer.
  • Participants may register for more than one event per day for point accrual as long as the racers age and machine fit criteria.
  • You may race both Bike and ATV for point accrual.
  • Rules are subject to be changed per racer per classification by EXCR officials at any time.

Registration Cost

Pee Wee Bike and ATV: $30.00

Intermediate Bike & ATV  $30.00

Youth Bike and ATV: $35.00

Adult Bike and ATV: $45.00

*$5 discount for Pre-Registration

Pro Bike and ATV: $75.00

Buddy Race $70.00


  • RFID Transponder scanning is the official EXCR scoring system. Most other race series transponders will work with the EXCR system.  This must be confirmed at the registration trailer.  Best placement of the transponder is on the underside of the helmet visor. Keep in mind if you lose your visor during your race you cannot be scored electronically, please inform scoring at finish line every lap you come thru so you can be entered manually.
  • The back up to transponder scoring is physical scoring. Each racer MUST stop at the finish line and give their number to finish line staff. You will be released by the flagger when you may continue your race.
  • From the time you enter the finish line area, which is marked with banners and tape, no racing or passing is allowed. This is a NO PASSSING/RACING ZONE.  You MUST slow down as you approach the actual finish line.  No roosting is allowed in this area. 
  • DO NOT hit the staff or equipment.   Either of these violations will result in removal of lap at minimum or possible DQ.
  • If you try to pass within finish line banners, take out banners, or come in with excessive speed you will be penalized 30 seconds per offense.
  • There may be checkpoints on the course. The checkpoint area shall be treated the same as the finish line area.  You MUST give your number to the clearly marked EXCR official at the checkpoint.  You will be released by the official when they have your number.  DO NOT hit the staff or equipment.  

The Course:

  • An EXCR course may include trails, footpaths, roads, hills, motocross track, or any type of terrain which can be negotiated by bike, ATV, and UTV.
  • The course may be inspected prior to a race by participants only on foot, bicycle or e-bike. No automated transportation is allowed for course inspection by participants.
  • All riders and race personnel must assess for themselves the track, facilities, existing conditions, and other matters relating to safety. All riders and race personnel must rely on their own judgment and assume all risks of participating.
  • Marking, cutting, tampering with or otherwise changing the course in any manner by any person of any age is strictly prohibited. Violation of this rule will result in penalties to be determined by EXCR officials.
  • Only an EXCR official may make course modifications.
  • Only EXCR officials and race participants may ride on the course at any time during an event.
  • There will be courses clearly marked for each event. The course to follow will be marked with colored arrows.  It is the participant’s sole responsibility to know their course color marker.
    • Adult bike and ATV courses are marked with RED arrows
    • Youth bike and ATV courses are marked with BLUE arrow
    • Intermediate courses are marked with GREEN arrows
    • Pee Wee bike and ATV courses are marked with BLACK arrows

Starting Procedure:

  • The starting area is closed to all participants until 30 minutes prior to their start time.
  • Starting rows are clearly marked.
  • Each participant has a row sticker and must line up on their designated row. Anyone starting on the wrong row will be penalized by lap removal.  It is the participant’s sole responsibility to line up on the correct row.
  • There will be a riders meeting in the starting area conducted before each race. It is the participant’s responsibility to attend.
  • Starting procedures:
    • Adult-Dead Engine
    • Youth-Dead Engine with exception of 70cc ATV
    • Intermediate- ROW 1-3 Dead Engine with the remaining rows LIVE ENGINE. 
    • Peewee- LIVE ENGINE
  • Any time a blue flag is waved, all spectators and participants must shut down engines. This is the time pit crew support steps behind their racer.
  • The race referee will be clearly waving the flags. Once the blue flag is down, a green flag will be in hand.  Any time within 10 seconds the green flag will wave, which is the signal for the first row to start.
  • There will be approximately 30 seconds between rows taking off.
  • Riders starting before the green flag signal will be penalized with lap removal.
  • The machine a rider leaves the start line (painted row line) on is the official machine scored for that race. If your machine has NOT crossed the painted row line, you may switch machines.
  • Riders missing the start of their class must enter the race course at the starting line and complete the start chute, regardless of the time they enter the race.

On Track Regulations:

  • Riders must remain on the marked course.
  • The marked course consists of the area within 25 feet of race arrows.
  • If an area is marked with “SPECIAL DOUBLE ARROWS”, ribbons, signs, stakes, hay bales, barrels, motocross track, grass track, etc. the rider MUST stay within the confines of those markers, even when passing.
  • When passing elsewhere, you may NOT go more than 25 feet off the marked course.
  • If a rider encounters a bottleneck (which is defined as a section of the track that becomes impassable for any reason), you MAY go more than 25 feet off the course.  However, you must return to the marked course as soon as possible. Once the track is clear, you must stay on the originally marked course, even if the original markers are knocked down.
  • A checkpoint is not considered a bottleneck, and must be gone through, regardless of wait time.
  • Riders may not cut to the inside of a white pole inner corner marker.
  • If a rider leaves the course for any reason, he must re-enter the track where he left. If found returning elsewhere, the rider will be disqualified from the event.
  • Riders may make repairs and otherwise receive mechanical assistance anywhere along the course (but NEVER within the finish line area) and from anyone. This may take place in a suitable area just off the course, and not cause interference on the course.
  • Pitting a machine may occur at any point along the race track, with the exception of any bannered area and the marked finish line area.  No pitting will be allowed in these areas.
  • Please be mindful of your fellow racers, and never stop on, pit on, or block the race course in any manner.  Move as far off to the side as possible.
  • Two way radios are permitted with spectators and pit crew, but never with or between riders.
  • Reckless riding is prohibited. No racer may ride in such a manner as to endanger the life or limb of other riders, officials, or spectators.  Anyone riding in a reckless manner will be penalized.  Said penalty will be at the discretion of the EXCR officials.  Reckless riding is defined as, but not limited to, deliberate ramming, blocking or intentional contact with another rider, or running into an official. Track official witnessing or video by spectator is required. A 1-minute penalty at officials’ discretion. 
  • Unsportsmanlike conduct is prohibited. Any person whose appearance, conduct, associations or affiliations, on or off the track, deemed not conducive to the best interest of this sport, or who exhibits conduct which is inappropriate, offensive, abrasive, or in bad taste may be excluded or suspended from any EXCR event at the discretion of the EXCR officials.
  • Any profane verbal or physical contact to any EXCR staff member will result in immediate removal from property.
  • Team tactics are prohibited. Team tactics are defined as, but not limited to, blocking, allowing another rider to pass in order to affect the outcome of the race, any form of communications between teams that could affect the outcome of the race, or exchanging machines in order for another racer to continue the race.  Any racers involved will be penalized at the discretion of EXCR officials.
  • If any racer intentionally disregards a direct order from a marked track official, that racer will be penalized at the discretion of EXCR race officials. Such penalties are not subject to protest or appeal.
  • EXCR officials have the authority to penalize any voluntary or involuntary action or act by any person during an event contrary to the current rules and regulations, or instructions given by an EXCR official.
  • Participants engaged in any event, public appearance, media activity, and social media outlet or any other situations relating to their participation in the EXCR series must refrain from intentional physical contact with any participant, inappropriate or profane language, fraud, and unsportsmanlike behavior. At the sole discretion of EXCR officials, participants who exhibit behaviors deemed inappropriate or unsportsmanlike, prejudicial or detrimental to the best interests of the sport, or detract from the enjoyment, appreciation of interests of the fans, sponsors of other supporters of the sport, may be penalized by, but not limited to, monetary fine, docking of championship points, expulsion, etc.  Such penalties are not subject to protest or appeal.

Race Finishes:

  • The race officially ends for all contestants at the completion of the lap in which the checkered flag is displayed to the overall winner.
  • To be considered as having completed a lap, the rider, with his helmet on, and his machine must cross the plane of the checkered flag under the rider’s own unaided ability. No credit will be given for any distance covered during which time the rider’s helmet was removed.
  • Racers whose disabled vehicles are towed back to the pit area by staff or otherwise, for any reason, are not eligible to return to competition. Any laps earned by a racer that returns to competition after receiving a tow back to the pit area will be removed.  If a racer desires to repair their machine and return to competition, they must decline the offer to tow their machine back to the pit area.  This rule does not apply to racers towed only a short distance in order to dislodge the vehicle from a track obstacle (i.e. mud pit, deep rut, ravine, etc.).
  • Riders will be scored in order of finish and laps completed. It is not necessary to complete all laps in order to be scored.
  • Once the checkered flag is waved for the overall winner, racers will have the following number of minutes to complete their race. 
    • Adult- 30 minutes; Youth- 20 minutes; Intermediate- 15 minutes; PeeWee- 15 minutes. 
  • Unofficial race results will be posted approximately 30 minutes after scoring has stopped.  Race results are official when they have been posted under the Race Results section of the Extreme XC website.
  • Any protest must be turned in to the scoring trailer EXCR officials within 30 minutes of unofficial results being posted at the physical race location. Protests must be made in writing, and can only be made by a racer competing in said race, with the appropriate fees.  See Protests section under general rules for more information.
  • Race results are not official until they are posted on the EXCR website.
  • Once official results have been uploaded to web, RACERS will have 7 days from the day of posting to recognize any discrepancies in a racers class and or position.  
  • Any penalties that were necessary during a race will be completed before official results are posted. All penalties will be at the sole discretion of EXCR race officials based on the severity of the offense, and may include, but not be limited to, forfeit of position(s), forfeit of lap(s), time adjustment, disqualification, suspension, loss of championship points, fines, probation, etc.
  • Awards must be picked up by the end of the event. If you do not get your award, they will be held until the next round and then disposed of unless prior arrangements are made. *Cash awards MUST be picked up by the end of the event. 

Class Championships

  • Adult, Youth, Intermediate, and PeeWee  Class Championships will be decided by the rider’s best finishes in (7) out of (8) races. There are (1) drops allowed for class championship contention. These entries do not all have to be in the same class, however, points do not transfer to different classes, and there must be at least (5) entries in the same class.
    •  To qualify for point calculations and banquet awards, a rider must have entered into (6) out of (8) races.
    • All Classes: A tie for 1st place class champion will be broken by the rider having the most 1st place finishes. If there is still a tie the best finisher of the final round will be awarded 1st place in class for the season.
  • PeeWee Class Only: If your child switches classes mid-season due to a machine change, runs 6 out of 8 races, and should qualify for banquet, it is your responsibility to let staff know at the end of season before end results are posted to ensure your child will get an end of the year award. 

Class Points Chart

**any person entering a race and leaving the starting line will receive 1 point**

1st = 252nd = 223rd = 204th  = 195th = 18
6th = 177th = 168th = 159th = 1410th = 13
11th = 1212th = 1113th = 1014th = 915th = 8
16th  = 717th = 618th = 519th = 420th = 3

Overall Championships:

  • Adult, Youth, Intermediate, and PeeWee Overall Championships will be decided by the rider’s best finishes in (8) out of (8) races. There are (0) drops allowed for overall championship contention. These entries do not all have to be in the same class, however, points do not transfer to different classes, and there must be at least (5) entries in the same class.
    •  To qualify for point calculations and banquet awards, a rider must have entered into (6) out of (8) races.
  • All Classes: A tie for 1st place overall champion will be broken by the rider having the most 1st place finishes. If there is still a tie the best finisher of the final round will be awarded 1st place overall for the season.

Protests and Appeals

  • All protests must refer to a single subject only and must be presented within 30 minutes of race results being posted at the event.
  • Protests must be turned in to EXCR scoring bus officials, along with required fees.
  • All protest fees must be made in cash at the time of protest.
  • Protest forms will be at the scoring bus and are also available online.
  • Any protest must be initiated by a rider in the affected class, against a rider in that same class.
  • No protest can be initiated against a statement of fact pronounced by an EXCR official.
  • Final determination of a protest will rest with the EXCR Race Referee.
  • The referee will render decisions as soon as practical.
  • When a protest involves displacement or internal engine inspection, both parties may be present during the teardown and inspection and be informed of all measurements.
  • Officials can measure any internal parts they choose, but bore and stroke is a mandatory measurement.
  • Both parties must remain on the property until the referee renders a decision.
  • Video evidence may be allowed at the discretion of the referee.
  • The protesting party must pay the protest fees as listed, and the referee may require a deposit from the protesting party sufficient to cover any tear down expenses.
  • If a protest is decided in favor of the protesting party, the referee will refund the protest fee.  If the teardown fees were less than what was paid by the protester, the remaining amount will be refunded to the protester.
  • If the protested party refuses teardown and inspection, he must reimburse the cost of the protest to the protester. The protested will then be disciplined or disqualified at the discretion of the race referee.
  • If a protest occurs it is per rider per event.
  • If a disqualification is ruled against a rider it is per race event only.
  • If the protested party is found legal, they will receive any fees left after inspection fees are subtracted.

Protest fees:

  • $50.00 per item
  • Tear down inspection $300.00

Bike, ATV, and Pit Bike, Rules & Regulations

  • No alcohol consumption is allowed prior to racing. EXCR reserves the right to refuse any participant if alcohol consumption is suspected.
  • When traveling to/from the pit area, riders must be in first gear idle and must always wear a helmet.
  • Any time an ATV is in motion, the tether switch must be engaged.

Rider Eligibility and Classification:

  • These rules apply to all classes.
  • Bike amateur riders must be at least 12 years old to race in adult classes and must be 14 years old to compete on a bike above 250cc. If the parent or legal guardian wishes to petition EXCR for an age exception, after careful review of rider’s race history, EXCR officials will make a determination to allow or disallow the petition.
  • ATV amateur riders must be at least 15 years old to race a 450cc. If the parent or legal guardian wishes to petition EXCR for an age exception, after careful review of rider’s race history, EXCR officials will make a determination to allow or disallow the petition.
  • Age is determined on January 1 of the current race season.
  • If the parent or legal guardian wishes to petition EXCR for an age exception to any class for a minor child, after careful review of rider’s race history, EXCR officials will make a determination to allow or disallow the petition.
  • All class advancements take effect on January 1 of the current race season.
  • If at any time a rider changes classes, points do not transfer from class to class.
  • Anyone participating in an EXCR event will be required to race the same class raced in any other cross country series.
  • If a rider is found to be racing a different class in EXCR than any other cross country series, this will need to be presented to EXCR officials in written protest form. This protest must come from a rider in the affected class. If EXCR officials determine the protest is valid, the rider protested will be disqualified from that particular race and will be forced to race the correct class for the remainder of the EXCR series season.  This is not retroactive to previous races.

Adult Classifications  (These classifications do NOT include youth, Intermediate, PeeWee racers)

  • Pro Class:
  • Eligible to any “A” class ranking
  • Must be at least 15 years old, or by the discretion of EXCR officials after review.
  • Riders advancing to Pro class may return to the “A” division at any time without penalty.
  • “A” Class:
  • “A” class is the highest forced class. No rider will be forced to Pro Class.
  • All riders who have an “A” ranking in any cross country series.
  • All “B” class champions from the prior race season in any cross country series.
  • Any “B” riders ranked 2nd or 3rd from the previous season in any cross country series who have won at least 3 races and/or have at least 50% or more of the championship points.
  • “B” Class:
  • All riders who have a “B” ranking in any cross country series.
  • All “C” class champions from the prior race season in any cross country series.
  • Any “C” riders ranked 2nd or 3rd from the previous season in any cross country series who have won at least 3 races and/or have at least 50% or more of the championship points.
  • “C” Class:
  • Novice skill level riders and riders that do not otherwise qualify as an “A” or “B” rider.
  • All riders who have a “C” ranking in any cross country series.
  • All “D” class riders from the previous year in any cross country series.
  • “D” Class:
  • This class is designed for the entry level rider, first year racer, or have never been ranked above a 10th position in any higher ranked class in any cross country series.
  • Women’s Class:
  • Between novice and expert class.
  • Buddy Class:
  • It does not matter what class riders are ranked “A”, “B”,”C”, ect. to run the buddy class. The buddy race team name will be the two racers last names. You must keep the same partner for each race thru out the season.
  • Trail Rider Class:
  • This is a non-points class, which means it is not eligible for year-end or overall awards.
  • This class is designed for the occasional racer.

Please make note of any exceptions to rider classification listed below.

  • Age divisions: in lieu of advancing to the next higher ranked division (A, B, C) a racer may advance to a younger class within their division. Once this option is exercised in more than one race the rider may not return to the older age division within said year.
  • In any class having 5 or less racers that raced 6 or more races the only racer required to advance is the 1st place racer if they have 3 or more 1st place finishes.
  • A rider can be forced to advance to an appropriate class that matches skill level, in lieu of age.
  • Changing Classes: A rider may petition to move to a lower classification A, B, C based on class finishes and time differences. This will be reviewed by EXCR staff and the racer given an answer before the next scheduled EXCR event.
  • A rider may advance, one class level one time, to “test the waters” of the racer’s skill level. If a racer decides to return to the original class, the racer must finish the season in that class. *class points do not transfer
  • A PeeWee, Intermediate, Youth racer can race any division as long as age and machine fall in the proper qualification for class. 
  • Racers can race in any division as long as they are within the age limit regardless of what division they race in other series.

EXCR Classes and Machine Eligibility

Adult Bike


1 – Pro

2 – A Open  – 2 or 4 stroke: single cylinder engine

2 – A Lites (122cc-250cc) 2 or 4 stroke: single cylinder engine, cylinder must be stamped with the correct engine displacement

3 – Vet Expert 28+

4- B Open – 2 or 4 stroke: single cylinder engine

5 – B Lite (122cc-250cc) 2 or 4 stroke: single cylinder engine, cylinder must be stamped with the correct engine displacement

6 – Buddy

7 – Sr Expert 40+


8 – Women’s Expert

9 – C Open – 2 or 4 stroke: single cylinder engine

10 – C Lites (122cc-250cc) 2 or 4 stroke: single cylinder engine, cylinder must be stamped with the correct engine displacement

11 – Vet 28+

11 – Sr. 40+

12 – Super Sr. 50+

12 – Golden Masters 60+

12 – Women (open cc class) 2 or 4 stroke: single cylinder engine


14 – Trail Rider (open cc class) 2 or 4 stroke: single cylinder engine.  This is a non-points class.

Youth Bike   *Cylinder must be stamped with the correct engine displacement

1 – Super Mini age 7-15 (79-112cc 2 stroke; 75-150 cc 4 stroke) max wheels: front 19”, rear 16”, big and small wheel models permitted

2 – 85cc age 7-15 (66-85cc 2 stroke; 75-125 4 stroke) no big wheels

3 – Girls Super Mini age 7-15 (79-112cc 2 stroke; 45-150cc 4 stroke) max wheels: front 19″, rear 16″, big and small wheels permitted

4 – 125cc & Under age 7-15 This is a 4 stroke beginners class

5 – 65cc age 7-12 (52-65cc 2 stroke; 70-90cc 4 stroke)

6 – Trail Rider age 7-15 (150cc 4 stroke and under, 32cc-112 cc 2 stroke)  This is a non-points class. *any legal youth bike

Intermediate Bike

All classes are for ages 6 – 12 year olds.  The Intermediate Race is a transition option between the Pee Wee and Youth races. It is for children who might not be ready for youth, and have either aged out of Pee Wee, or are ready to move to the next level. 

1 – 65cc 2 Stroke

2 – 110cc 4 Stroke    Up to 110cc 4 stroke allowed, NO 2 strokes

3 – Girls Open (50cc 2 stroke – 110 4 Stroke)

4 – 50cc 2 Stroke

5 – Trail Rider (NON POINTS CLASS) 50-65cc 2 stroke, 70-125cc 4-stroke.  

*Mini-E: Mini-E models are eligible to participate in the appropriate class according to wheel size.

**Any child may ride in Intermediate as long as age requirements and bike requirements as listed above are met.

Pee Wee Bike

1 – 50 Sr age 5-8 (0-50cc 2 stroke; 0-70cc 4 stroke) 12” front wheel; no training wheels

2- 50 Jr age 5-8 (0-50cc 2 stroke; 0-70cc 4 stroke) 10” front wheel; no training wheels

3 – 50 4 stroke 5-8 yrs. old (50cc 4 stroke)

4 – Trail Rider age 5-8 (0-65cc 2 stroke; 0-90cc 4 stroke) casual competitor; no training wheels. **pee wee trail rider class IS a points class, and IS eligible for year-end awards**   **NOT eligible for overall points

*Mini-E: Mini-E models are eligible to participate in the appropriate class according to wheel size. No larger the 12″ max.

Adult ATV

Production Rule: OEM motor and matching frame combination model required (matching year NOT required).  Frame geometry must remain as designed by the OEM, including all suspension pivot points.  Engine modifications, frame reinforcements, and aftermarket A-arms, caster brackets, swing arm and suspension are permitted.  Aftermarket frames may be used if they meet OEM production geometry.


1 – Pro

2 – A 15+

3 – Vet Expert 28+

4 – B 14+

5 – Junior B 22+

6 – Sr. Expert 40+

6 – Buddy


7 – Women’s Expert

8 – C 14-21

9 – Junior C 22+

10 – Vet 28+

10 – Sr. 40+

10 – Super Sr. 50+

11. Women

11 – Sport (>400cc)

11 – 4 x 4

12 – D (First Year Adult Racers ONLY)

13 – Trail Rider 

Youth ATV

1 – 300/ Hybrid age 12-15; (300cc max 4 stroke; 250cc max 2 stroke; 150cc hybrids)

2 – Super Mini age 12-15; (300cc max 4 stroke, 100cc max 2 stroke)

3 – Open Girls age 12-15; (300cc max 4 stroke, 100cc max 2 stroke; 150 Hybrid)

4 – 90 Limited age 8-12; (71cc-90cc 2 strokes; 75-125cc 4 strokes) Production models only. Motor must remain stock.  Manual clutch only.  The following may be changed or added: Tires (tire inserts may be added), pipe, sprockets, gearing, clutch, twist throttle, handlebars, grips, handlebar pads, front bumper, rear grab bar, air filter, jetting and steering stabilizer. Fenders may be trimmed. No modifications allowed to carburetors, oil injection. air box and lid, gas tank, wheelbase, width, shocks. Production note: Suspension items such as tie rods, aftermarket a-arms etc. may be changed.  NO 2 stroke race machines such as DRR, Apex, Cobra.

5 – 90 Modified: age 8-15: race ATV, such as DRR, Modified Raptor, Cobra.  70cc-90cc 2 stroke, 75cc-150cc 4 stroke.  Shifter, automatic and cvt models eligible.  Engine/suspension modifications allowed.

6 – 90 Stock age 8-12; (71-90cc 2 strokes; 75-125cc 4 strokes) Does not include production race machines such as DRR, Cobra, Apex, etc.; production models, automatic and cvt models only. The following may be changed: tires, wheels (cannot change stock width), pipe, sprockets, gearing, clutch, twist throttle, handlebars, grips, handlebar pads, front bumper, rear grab bar, air filter and jetting.  Fenders may be trimmed.  No modifications allowed to carburetors, oil injection, air box and lid, gas tank, shocks. Production Note: Suspension items such as tie rods, aftermarket a-arm, etc. may be changed as long as you are not changing factory geometry. No manual clutches

7 – 70cc age 7-11; 2 stroke cvt models; Production/Mod.  The following may be changed: tires, wheels, pipe, sprockets, clutch, twist throttle, handlebars, grips, handlebar pads, front bumper, rear grab bar, air filter and jetting, shocks, A-arms.  Fenders may be trimmed.  This is the only youth class that is allowed to start the race live engine.

8 – Trail Rider age 7-15; (any legal youth race machine) This is a non-points class.  It is NOT eligible for year-end awards.

Intermediate ATV

All classes are for ages 6 – 12 years olds.  The Intermediate Race is a transition option between the Pee Wee and Youth races. It is for children who might not be ready for youth, and have either aged out of Pee Wee, or are ready to move to the next level.  

1 – 125cc 4 stroke: Modifications may be done to suspension, tires, (inserts allowed), and wheels. Engine displacement must remain stock CC

2 – 90cc Modified: Production, DRR, Cobra, Apex, Etc. Automatic and CVT models, Engine / suspension modifications allowed

3 – 90cc 4 stroke (71cc-114cc) Non-Limited, 75cc-114cc 4-stroke:  Production race machines such as DRR, Cobra, Apex, Etc. are prohibited. (modified trx class) The following may be changed or added: Wheels, pipe, sprockets, gearing, clutch, twist throttle, handlebars, grips, handlebar pad, front bumper, rear grab bar, air filter, jetting, steering stabilizer and frame reinforcements. Fenders may be trimmed. Modifications allowed, INCLUDING carburetor, electronics (including CDI and ECU), oil injection, air box (may remove the lid), gas tank, wheelbase, width, rear axle, a-arms, shocks and suspension.

4 – Girls Open (50cc 2 stroke – 125 4 stroke)

5- 90cc STOCK (4 stroke;75cc-90cc & 2 stroke;75cc-90cc) Stock:  Limited class. Wheels, pipe, sprockets, gearing, clutch, twist throttle, handlebars, grips, handlebar pad, front bumper, rear grab bar, air filter, jetting, steering stabilizer and frame reinforcements. Fenders may be trimmed. No other modifications allowed, INCLUDING carburetor, electronics including CDI and ECU, oil injection, air box (may remove the lid), gas tank, wheelbase, width, rear axle, a-arms, shocks and suspension. (Including Polaris, Can Am, Yamaha production 110cc 4-stroke)

6 – 70cc modified:  70cc 2 stroke: Production race machines.

7 – Trail Rider: 90cc 2 stroke 90-125 4- stroke: This is a non-points class. That means there will be  placement awards at each race for this class, but trail riders do not qualify for overall placement, or year end awards.

Pee Wee ATV

*Pee Wee racers must race alone. Passengers are no longer permitted. 

1 – 50 cc Sr age 5-8 (2 stroke); Note: aftermarket items such as tie rods, A-arms, tires, wheels, etc. may be changed

2 – 90cc Mod – Any modifications can be made to the chassis (a-arms, suspension, exhaust, wheels, tires). Must be no more than 90cc 4-stroke. (Including Polaris, Can Am, Yamaha production 110cc 4-stroke)

3 – 90cc Stock – wheels, tires, handlebars, air filter, jetting allowed. No engine mods, no suspension mods, and no exhaust mods. (Including Polaris, Can Am, Yamaha production 110 cc 4-stroke)

4 – 50cc Jr age 5-8 (4 stroke); 2 stroke small framed “trail rider” type ATV’s (such as the Polaris Predator 50, or the Suzuki QuadSport Z50) may also run in this class.  Note: aftermarket items such as tie rods, A-arms, tires, wheels, etc. may be changed.  NO DRR, Apex, or Cobra’s are allowed in this class

4 – Trail Rider age 5-8 (50-110cc 4 stroke; 50-90cc 2 stroke; Polaris 110) Auto or cvt only.   Modifications can be made to suspension, tires and wheels.

**No DRR, Apex or Cobra.

**Pee Wee Trail Rider class IS a points class, and IS eligible for year-end awards 

**Pee Wee Trail Rider is NOT eligible for overall points during regular race season, or at year end.